NextJS E-Commerce Store Admin CMS
Project Description
A Full Stack E-Commerce CMS using NextJS, TailwindCss, Prisma, Stripe, & MySQL that can be used to stand up multiple stores from this single CMS application.
Project Details
- Ability to stand-up multiple stores through this single CMS (For example you can create a Shoe store, a Clothing store and an Electronics store, and the CMS will generate API routes for each individually)
- Ability to create, update and delete categories & products
- Ability to upload multiple, and update images for products
- Ability to create, update and delete filters such as "Color" and "Size", and then match them in the "Product" creation form
- Ability to create, update and delete Billboards/Banners which can be applied to both a single category, or used standalone
- Ability to Search through all categories, products, sizes, colors, billboards with included pagination
- Ability to control which products are featured and archived
- Ability to view past orders, sales, & revenue graphs
- User authentication via Clerk Authentication
- Built-in security where users can only access their own store entities & assets
- Stripe checkout & webhooks
- Database integration via MySQL + Prisma
- UI layout components via ShadCn
- State management via Zustand
- Image Cloud CDN integration via Cloudinary
- Fully responsive design
Tech Stack
- Coding Languages:
- Frameworks / Libraries / CMSs:
- Tools / Platforms: